04 07/23

Flores aleatorias (2013-2021)

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Flores aleatorias – http://flores.pktweb.com – fue exhibida por primera vez en el Festival Internacional de la Imagen de Manizales, Colombia en el Museo de Arte de Caldas. 2023. Enlace obra festival

Flores aleatorias inició a finales de 2013 como un proceso que explora las posibilidades visuales de las funciones aleatorias (random) asociadas a la generación de formas geométricas que crean un sistema de pinceladas. Cada imagen es transformada en una pieza digital única a partir de brochazos con un aspecto visual pictórico, explotando la generación de largas cadenas de números aleatorios y usando como material de entrada fotografías de flores tomadas con cámaras de celular en baja calidad, Al centrarme en una reinterpretación de la información de cada pixel de una fotografía digital de una flor (color y posición), espero crear una conexión emocional entre el espectador y la superficie impresa que observa, animándole a apreciar la abstracción y artificialidad inherente a la imagen digital.

Cada fotografía es tratada como una matriz bidimensional de puntos (píxeles) y cada punto es procesado por el programa (escrito en processing) siguiendo la siguiente función:

f(color(j, k) × forma)

07 02/12

Charles Dickens: 200 years



‘Ah’ said the old lady, ‘painters always make ladies out prettier than they are, or they wouldn’t get any custom, child. The man that invented the machine for taking likenesses might have know that would never succeed; it’s a deal too honest, –a deal,’ said the old lady, laughing very heartily at her own acuteness. [1. p.90]


  1. Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist. London, England: Penguin Books. (1837) 2009.


31 08/11

Pure Data convention 2011

Three weeks ago I attended the 4th Pure Data (PD) convention.  This time it was organised in Weimar and Berlin. The convention lasted one week and included conferences, workshops, concerts, and installations. The frame for the convention was Weimar, which has a name in art history: Goethe, Schiller, Bach, and the Bauhaus were there.

The conferences were technical oriented. The topics included the implementations, the developing of tools for PD, extensions to PD, and sound projects using PD. The workshops happened in the afternoon and there were for beginners and for experienced users. I took part in the beginners workshop, especially in the visual ones as GEM for beginners, GLSL, and Understanding the PD Data Structures. The concerts were scheduled in the evening; they were amusing, exciting, and inspiring. Although I enjoyed most of them I got impressed by the works of Chikasi Miyama, Hsin-jen Wang, Jinyao Lin, Oscar Martin (Noish), Cyrille Henry and Nicolas Montgermont, Dan Wilcox, and Onyx Ashanti. From my point of view, these were the most aesthetically refined works. They depict too a wide range of expressions to be found in contemporary digital/electronic art. An impression of each concert could be got at the convention website. Finally, from the installations I would like to highlight Tafel by Alexandre Castonguay, Cymatic Imprints by Donna Legault, and Concerto para Lanhouse by Giuliano Obici. They all graciously combined machinic poetry and ingeniousness which made me wonder if I weren’t in a Gibsonian reality.

A small bite of what happened in Weimar could be listen to below.

Chikashi Miyama.Black Box. Record of a live performance in the 4th PD Convention 2011. Weimar, Germany. Duration: 7:17
[audio:http://www.pktweb.com/drnn1076/sound_works/black_box_(Chikashi Miyama)_PDcon_weimar_2011.mp3]
