10 12/14


Tags: , | Categories: Colombia, video studies

Compressions from ~{dRNn}~ on Vimeo.

Different time compressions.
Sunset in Bogotá Shot May 2010. Edited May 2014

Varias manipulaciones del tiempo.
Atardecer en Bogotá. Tomado mayo de 2010, editado mayo de 2014.

Camera/Cámara: Sony DCR-DVD201
Edit/edición: Kdenlive

04 03/14


Some weeks ago, I was discussing the term sampling; it was of course in relation to electronic music. I’m not into sound or music and my take on the conversation was that sampling is part of visual media too. My argument is that taken as a three-dimensional object, the moving image needs to be sampled to be experienced. Two axes of the object are the spatial coordinates x and y, and the third axis is time. Thus, film samples the moving image in the time-axis at 24 images per second; analogue video and digital video add to the sampling the spatial coordinates. However, the reorganization of a particular beat or sequence of beats of music to produce a new composition, rhythm, or even musical genre has no counterpart in the moving image media. One could argue that the narration and even framing or images of a particular film of video are remixed producing thus new productions. This is done all the time in cinema and more conspicuously in T.V. spots. This however is different from sampling and follows the logic of remix and media quotation (remediation?). When there is a case of visual sampling it is the sound that creates the rhythm, not the moving image.

Visual sampling? Close your eyes and see if you miss the images.

MONDOVISION (official full version) from Giovanni Sample on Vimeo.

Earlier and most sampled beats in popular music.

20 02/14

Ghost in the Shell (1996)

Tags: | Categories: science fiction, video studies

What’s true for the group is also true for the individual. It’s simple: overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It’s slow death.

28 01/14

05 01/14

Portable Media: I carry therefore I produce

Portable Media: 10 January-7 March at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Georgenstraße 47. EG. Atrium. 10117 Berlin.

Super 8 film cartridge

This exhibition shows some of the results of the research project DIY and portable media for moving image production. A series of cameras and storage units, a historical examination of portable media, and three video productions are exhibited. Three presentations will take place during the exhibition. Two special guests, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner and Prof. Dr. Frieder Nake, will discuss about media and algorithms. I will talk about the historical development of physical containers for moving images. Portable media emerge from the physical reduction of media supports and the compression of the storage formats into small machines and units. Focusing on the formats and storage units of small gauge film, consumer analogue video, and camera phones, this exhibition highlights the expansion of media carried everywhere and used at any moment.


10 Jan 18:00 Opening

10 Jan 18:30 Wolfgang Schäffner. What is a Video? Media Revolutions of the Moving Image

3 Feb 18:30 Frieder Nake. On the Move – Image Algorithm

14 Feb 18:30 Ricardo Cedeño Montaña. Portable Storage: Chargers, Cartridges, Cassettes

17, 24, and 31 Jan 18:00 screening of Super 8 films.

website: http://media.hu-berlin.de/portablemedia

17 09/13

Luz portátil para vídeo

El díagrama del circuito se puede descargar de http://bit.ly/193yVgF
The electric diagram can be downloaded from http://bit.ly/193yVgF

08 03/13

19 02/13

(auto-)retrato at Festival Internacional de la Imagen

One variation of my (self-)portrait, (auto-)retrato: 100 fragmentos, variaciones 1 y 2, has been selected for presentation in the Media Art show at the coming XII Festival Internacional de la Imagen in Manizales, Colombia.

Work’s statement in Spanish:

La interrupción de la máquina facial solo es posible a través de la fragmentación interna del tiempo y el espacio del cuadro.

Este (auto-)retrato es una aglomeración, en un mismo cuadro, de imágenes grabadas con un celular en diferentes momentos y lugares. El objetivo es diluir mi propia imagen a través su fragmentación. Variación 1 y 2 se componen de 100 fragmentos de grabaciones de vídeo. Cada vídeo ha sido grabado por una persona diferente en momentos y lugares diferentes usando una cámara de celular. En cada variación los 100 vídeos son reproducidos simultáneamente y son ubicados en el cuadro de forma aleatoria hasta llenarlo completamente. El resultado es un vídeo compuesto de una serie consecutiva de tiras verticales de vídeo una al lado de la otra. En estas dos variaciones se juntan 100 “”yos” separados en el tiempo y el espacio.”

A complete description of this work in English is here: self-portrait

02 01/13


| Categories: sound studies, video studies

08 04/11

Topografias at Festival Internacional de la Imagen

My most recent work, Topografías, has been selected for presentation in the Media Art show at the coming X Festival Internacional de la Imagen in Manizales, Colombia.

Topografías is a collection of 6 videos, of approx. 2 minutes length each, in DVD-video. This work explores the hybrid territories in the moving image through the manipulation and mix of live-footage with graphics of topographic representations and digital video defects (artifacts and glitches). The hybrid character in the outcome eliminates the spatio-temporal and narrative references of the source material to centre the attention upon its unreal and artificial aspect. For each sound, a machine composed of modulators and oscilloscopes was made. All sounds were recorded in real-time and improvisatory sessions.

This series of videos and the final piece in DVD-video was developed using exclusively free software, under GNU/GPL licenses. Codecs and containers for audio and video are free, too. The platform for production was openSUSE; video editing, mix, and composting was made in Kdenlive and Avidemux, and oscilloscope machines were built on Pure Data. All source files are available for downloading at Topografías.
