13 10/11


Tags: , , | Categories: art, digital media, DIY

DIY encompasses the following propositions:

  • Self-made practices and text. The production and sharing of attitudes and materials is independent of those traditionally imposed by the mass media, namely, by one’s own initiative, own rhythm and way, comprising broadcast-, publish-, design-, and make-it-yourself. The content includes machinimas, game mods, video clips, photo galleries, narratives, news, knowledge, and art.
  • Persistently promotion and circulation across the open media. New tools are embraced to distribute media content. ‘Open media’ describes one single channel without contents. This empty channel is populated and fed by a multiplicity of collaborators. YouTube™, Wikipedia®, and Facebook® are examples of open media that oppose ‘closed media’ that are produced and distributed by one primary collaborator. The ideologies of ‘user empowerment’ and ‘democratization of media’ are permanently and simultaneously repeated by all collaborators of the media, and each member urges others to join, produce, and share.
  • Everything is susceptible of appropriation and becomes source material. During the 1980s and 1990s, postmodernism proclaimed the appropriation of whichever mass media contents happen to be available, generating a frenzied media bricolage [1, p.211]. The nature of source material has changed because of the ubiquity of tools used to capture the world and the ease of production of media content, made possible by digital photo cameras, video cameras, and blogs. Consumers are the source material of the open media; their lives, work, and leisure time are all part of this new content. The media has adapted itself to the logic of the source material.
  • There is no evident intervention of a specialist or a culture industry. Everyone is utterly amateur. There is a blind rejection of hierarchies as seen in professional/amateur relationships, ownership, and scholastic elitism. Although the open media certainly has owners and the tools are designed and produced by professionals, users are kept ignorantly indulged in the pleasure of self-production.

  1. Manovich, Lev. “Generation Flash”. New Media Old Media. A History and Theory Reader. Ed. Wendy Hui Kyong Chun and Thomas Keenan. 2006: Routledge, New York, NY. 209-18.

06 05/08

Sproutbau movie online

Tags: , , | Categories: video studies

Sproutbau online


I want to thank to everybody for all support, comments and critics on my first documentary, all of them were and are welcome. (¡muchas gracias!, vielen Dank!)
If you could not be with me during the première and still want to watch the film, I publish here a link to its on-line version, it is the same but in a medium-resolution for a good streaming. The largest file is about 23MB and the smallest around 8MB. I hope you do enjoy it, and I’ll be looking forward to reading your opinions about it.

Watch Sproutbau documentary

Recently I was invited to show my recent work on the: “Muestra Monográfica de Media Art” in the Festival Internacional de la Imagen, I’m proud to say that Sproutbau documentary was selected for the show an it was screened in the Modern Art Museum of Medellín. As well, it was selected to be screened in a event called “Curaduría en nuevos medios”, an international seminar organised by: Espacio Fundación Telefónica de Buenos Aires Argentina, this event is going to happen in Buenos Aires. Here a complete list of all selected works in Colombia.
