16 07/08

Mark amerika’s seminar (03)

Puedo escuchar a alguien hablar, pero, ¿De dónde viene esa voz?
La espesa oscuridad enfatiza la voz más y más.
Tengo que correr. Pero por otro lado me siento amarrado a ella.
Me explico, es un sentimiento muy agradable,
sus ojos, su voz, su cuerpo, su calor.
Realmente es la primera vez que siento algo como esto.

Suena como los destellos del sol luego de la tormenta,
como un abrazo o suave chocolate…
¿Por qué de repente recuerdo a mi abuela?
Ella siempre tuvo miedo de los bellos momentos.
¿Seré muy viejo ahora? y cansado?. Quizás es una
buena idea rendirse, parar de luchar,
más aun enfrentar con dignidad mi destino y aceptar,
que todos esos momentos se han ido como lágrimas bajo
la lluvia. Arco iris solo duran unos momentos, pero aun así
es una buena razón para esperar por el próximo.

For  the third day Mark Amerika decided to show “The yes man” film, a hilarious documentary about a couple of anti-corporate activists and how they impersonated a fake spokesman of the World Trade Organization on TV and at several conferences around the world (Finland, Australia, U.S. ). Besides its clear anti-corporate message, which I liked it, for me The yes man people by using the method of disguising, faking and impersonating others, were addressing one central issue in la societé du spectacle: The identity.

They steal certain aspect of an individual and place into another one (Barbie’s voice in G.I. Joe body and vice versa), but the power of the message is increased by doing it public though mass media. They combine disguise tactics with spectacle to convey a political and social-denunciation message. A perfect example of what yesterday was questioned: Who is your audience? and How does it change your distribution channel and production methods? In The Yes Man those aspects are treated so: Audience, firstly, business people and WTO fellows, secondly the broader crowd out there. Production methods: Impersonation, disguise, high visibility. Distribution channel: mass media.

At the end a subtle conclusion showed up: If everybody is doing the same, what you have to do is the unpredictable, the not expected. If all anti-globalization and anti-corporate people is doing the same stuff by the same methods, The yes man did it too, but completely different. And there, in that point resides its success in terms of making an strong (and louder) statement.

Now, going a lit bit out the movie, a related question came to my mind: What is real in the digital public space today? To whom does belong the facade towards I’m re-acting? It does address to a very problematic matter. The truthfulness of our identities and specially the ones who are in power and take decisions. The Digital remix demands a high level of literacy and being in constant up-to-date, moreover in that paranoia for not being cheat by something or somebody else we can become vigilantes of source materials.

The text opening today’s report are is the translations to three spanish different languages of yesterday’s text.
