05 12/14

Tool for the visualization of historical data (Chronologies)


  1. In page 563 in paragraph 1 the sentence “In recent years, research in the humanities have started to …” should be: “In recent years, researchers in the humanities have started to …
  2. In page 563 in paragraph 2 the sentence ” … because there is no way to intervene from outside the way how the program process and render the data.” should be: “… because there is no way to intervene from outside the way how the program processes and renders the data.

The processing sketch is available here: http://bit.ly/1pifGi1

Update 20 Jan 2015: Bibliographic reference:

Montaña, Ricardo Cedeño; “Design of a tool for the visualization of historical data”, p. 563-566 . In: Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics: Design in Freedom [=Blucher Design Proceedings, v.1, n.8]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2014-0116


[pdfjs-viewer url=http://drnn1076.pktweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/rcedenom-sigradi-2014.pdf viewer_width=600px viewer_height=700px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=true]

03 11/14

Data visualization at Sigradi 2014


Design of a tool for the visualisation of historical data
Ricardo Cedeño Montaña

Building: Facultad de Arquitectura – Universidad de la República
Room: Salón B2
Date: 14 Nov 2014. 15:00 – 15:20
Last modified: 03 Nov 2014

SIGRADI 2014 programme here (PDF)


In the sciences the combination of different types of analysis, textual and visual, contributes to the legibility of the results of the research. Techniques such as data visualization and information graphics have a long history in the natural and social sciences. Recently, researchers in the humanities have got interested in producing visualizations to synthesize facts and trends. The purpose is to create novel observations and analysis of historical and cultural data. This paper presents the use of programming and markup languages to design a custom and open tool for the creation of one particular type of historical data visualization: chronologies.

KEYWORDS: Data visualization, chronology, XML, processing.

PD: The processing sketch is available here: http://bit.ly/1pifGi1

27 06/08

Photo gallery XML documentation

gallery schema

HI,  I did picture gallery that due to my hard disk accident I had to re-write, today I want to publish all files as well as a short documentation about this small project, it is quite probable that I continue updating this project in the future, so if you are interested stay tuned to the project web-page:

dRNn photo gallery system’s web-site

I’ve been using this system in my blog to publish and share my picture, you can find some examples of its applicationhere: [new system] and [old system].

Thanks a lot for any comment, suggestion or news about it.
